Aplikasi dalam Adobe Master Collection ini:
- Photoshop®CS6 Extended
- Illustrator® CS6
- InDesign® CS6
- Acrobat® X Pro
- Flash®Professional CS6
- Flash Builder® 4.6 Premium Edition
- Dreamweaver® CS6
- Fireworks® CS6
- Adobe Premiere® Pro CS6
- After Effects® CS6
- Adobe Audition® CS6
- SpeedGrade™ CS6
- Prelude™ CS6
- Encore® CS6
- Bridge CS6
- Media Encoder CS6
- Content-aware technologies in Photoshop Extended
- Simplified 3D design in Photoshop Extended
- Intuitive video creation in Photoshop Extended
- Blur Gallery in Photoshop Extended
- Seamless vector pattern creation in Illustrator
- Powerful image tracing in Illustrator
- Gradients applied to strokes in Illustrator
- Adobe Premiere Pro multicam editing
- Dynamic timeline trimming in Adobe Premiere Pro
- Video stabilizing tools
- 3D Camera Tracker in After Effects
- Ray-traced, extruded text and shapes in After Effects
- Variable mask feathering in After Effects
- SpeedGrade for powerful color grading
- Adobe Mercury Graphics Engine in Photoshop Extended
- Adobe Mercury Performance System in Illustrator CS6
- Dan masih banyak lagi,..
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Terima Kasih sudah berkunjung.. ^_^
akeh seng rusak link e
BalasHapusmungkin firewall'e seng bermasalah.. link'e work kok.. jaringan jelek paling...
Hapuswalah ngenyek jaringan q tha iki ceritane
BalasHapusReupload mas.. wes iku loh.. :P
Hapuscrack e gak knek link e mati
HapusRe-upload wis'an .. cobak'en..